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Your image is reflected in every floral arrangement that leaves your shop. It is the bottom line for the customer and everyone who sees the arrangement. Are your designers as good as they can be, making sure that your image reflected in your arrangements is as good as possible? Education is the key.
I recently attended a memorial service for a friend. While sitting in the chapel and viewing the beautiful flowers sent to honor my friend and comfort the family, it was easy to see the value of education in the design area. Most of the arrangements looked good, some not so good and a few were outstanding. What was the difference between the outstanding ones and the good and not so good? In most cases it was not the price paid, but rather the creative and educated talents of the designer. I am certainly not a designer, but I can tell when an arrangement looks good, has good mechanics and creates movement. I can tell you that the not so good ones gave me a poor image of the flower shops that produced them and the outstanding ones made me want to visit those shops when I need floral arrangements. Paying a designer who lacks basic floral design skills costs you and the industry money each and every day. The designer needs some natural creative ability, but much can be learned through education and practice.
There are many free or inexpensive opportunities, and Priest International, Inc., is committed to promoting and sharing those opportunities. We believe education is critical to industry survival.
Wholesalers all over the country hold design shows and hands-on classes, covering basic and advanced techniques as well. Most of the wire services have floral design schools and several of the larger state florist associations provide ongoing training and support. Texas State Florists Association (TSFA) is one of the largest and most active in training floral designers. TSFA is looking out for the future by training high school teachers to teach floral design, and testing high school students once they have completed the program. TSFA has opened its own floral design school in Austin and will be training designers from all over the U.S.
At Priest international, Inc., we actively support several trade associations. Visit our website at and go to the Education section for links to many training videos from Chrysal Floral Solutions, J. Schwanke’s JTV and others. We also have a link to the online floral design classes section of the Texas State Florists Association’s website, where designers can sign up for the online classes. The good news is that you can take one of these online classes FREE when you purchase $500.00 or more from Priest at Priest International presents its own hands-on design classes. Watch this blog and our website for time and location of future training events.
Our aides to you and your staff’s education are just one of the ways Priest International, Inc., acts as your partner in your floral business. Visit the website to order great products at great prices on floral supplies. You’ll find glass vases, recycled glass vases, baskets, ceramic containers, floral solutions, prom supplies and many other items for your business.


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